About five million alligators inhabit 14 million acres of territory that is shared with more than 130 million humans, both residents and visitors. With these numbers, there’s bound to be interaction between the great saurian and its human counterpart. So, how do we get along?
If you live in alligator land or plan to visit, it’s good to know how to conduct yourself around these remarkable beasts. Acquiring knowledge of the nature around you will improve your quality of life by helping you and your loved ones to be safe and to enjoy your area’s natural environment. This promotes improved quality of life for humans and wildlife. While large scaly reptiles among us may inspire fear and fable, you’ll find peace of mind and probably fascination when you learn more about the great saurian known as the alligator.
Since wherever we are we’re connected to the air, the water, to everything molecular in our realm, ours is all a natural world, isn’t it? Not just in a swamp or a forest, but in our own living rooms as well. We are ecologically tied with all: A bellowing alligator, a mighty tree, a violent rainstorm, a buzzing mosquito, a sleeping squirrel, a waterway spilling into the ocean, or a field of planted vegetables. It’s in our fundamental interest to understand, cherish and keep this bond with our Earth. This applies no less with our link to these great reptiles, which share habitat with us.
This website was designed as an easy-to-use information portal, chock full of images, color and writing, for all those living in or visiting the alligator’s land (or for any curious reader) to learn about this reptile in a way that fosters a respect, enjoyment and appreciation of it without undue fear, and with a balanced perspective on this animal’s distinguished place in our world.
Click on one of the tabs above to read more: Staying Safe offers 12 tips on alligator safety and sheds light on alligator behaivor and biology; About Alligators expands understanding of the species; About Crocodiles discusses a croc little-known by the public, a reptile which shares habitat with its alligator relative in southern Florida; the Links page is a valuable resource for contacting various government agencies that deal with alligators and may also connect you to some of the best related resources on the Internet.
I’ve been inspired by the majesty of the alligator since I was a small boy growing up in south Florida, and while working closely with them over the years. While we enjoy advanced technology like smartphones and electric cars, we still share habitat with an animal that links us to our muddy, primordial past, a dragon from a group of reptiles that has barely been altered by the forces of 200 million years of evolution. I hope some of my peculiar passion may enhance your perception of the natural world and of your own role in it.